Friday, 12 May 2017

The Illustrated Self - Even More Visual Ideas

I have been practicing different designs for each of the ideas I've had, some being a lot easier than others.

Some of the drawings are a lot simpler than others which will stop the poster from becoming overcomplicated.

The relationship between the text and the image will be vital to this poster as the idea might be unclear to the audience.

I am considering a title to emphasise the humour.

What could the title be?

 After drawing the different reactions some ideas are clearly a lot stronger than others.

I wasn't too happy with the green face to represent after a night out but it gave me the idea of making an alien related character (I've been watching X-Files too much recently).

Would this idea suit the rest of the poster?

The metallic blue pen is perfect for the teardrops. I think it makes the poster look more interesting than the regular blue pen. Adds a bit more emotion to my uninterested face.

 I love the idea of changing small elements of my face to change the situation I'm in, still with the same expression on my face.

The pink embarrassed face is so accurate it hurts. I'm such a glowing little pink grape.

I might change the expression to "doing a presentation" seen as though I have to do one on Tuesday.

Will the pink fit in with the rest of the peachy faces?

Will it actually make the poster funnier?

Will it through people off making them focus mainly on the pink face?

 The angry face alongside the pink embarrassed face might cause some confusion in the poster.

I'm not going to use this one, I prefer the bottom left design with angry eyes.

It amazes me how a simple line can simply change how my character looks.

I need to consider how the poster will look (layout etc).


How many of the designs will I want to include in my final piece?
 These two ideas are both pretty weak which I'm a little bit disappointed about. I love Pound Bakery veggie rolls (as if i haven't mentioned this enough) but I don't think this idea will be included in the poster.

As well as the no glasses look. I wanted to show my lazy eye but it doesn't work because of the direction I'm looking in.

Not enough people know about my lazy eye anyway.

Does the character even look like me without glasses on?

I don't think so. Eye makeup would be needed to make it more suitable but that would ruin the other character designs.
 This metallic blue pen is magic. It creates such a nice water effect.

I want to add something onto the 'Too tired' but I'm not sure what.

Too tired for college maybe?

Should the eyes be closed or open?

Think I'll keep them closed (I've fallen asleep at the back of the room plenty of times making it more relatable to me.)
 I enjoyed drawing the abducted by aliens piece but I don't think I've cracked the look of it just yet.

Will the head shape look okay amongst the other round ones?

Should I have alien eyes or still my normal eyes with a funny shaped head?

Is the hair still relevant?

Do aliens have hair?

At first I was unsure if the cat nose would look normal on my face but I think it makes me look cuter.
 I have chosen the strongest ideas out of the designs I made and attempted in the poster.

I love the alien idea but it doesn't fit right on the page?

Should the head shape be the same as the others?

I asked some peers and they said to change the head shape to be more circular and keep the eyes as they are.

I'm going to continue drawing this character until I get it right. (Maybe at a larger scale).
What should the title be?
What kind of font?
Am I capable of making a suitable font?

I normally like my quickly drawn font but I don't think it would suit the title of this piece. The characters are too neat and simple.

Should it be more three dimensional or flat?

I think I'm going to use the title "The Many Faces of Meg"

The rushed lettering looks too messy and might be difficult to read for some people.

I need to focus on writing the small captions underneath each character as well.

Should I write in all capitals?
Joined letters?

I'm going to explore these ideas further to make sure my poster is to a high standard.

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