Thursday, 15 March 2018

Study Task 6

 Haikua Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world.

Poetry isn't my strongest skill so doing this task alone was slightly terrifying, especially when having to consider the syllables.

I created a small spider diagram to list words that relate to the collective as well as working out how many syllables each word has for the haiku.

I used existing phrases/slogans that we had come up with collectively in previous weeks to try and emphasise the meaning behind the group.
Sharing our poems after thinking of a few examples personally helped to bring the different ideas together and choose our favourite lines.

We came up with new haikus collectively using our favourite lines from each poem and putting them together to make the strongest haiku.

Reading the 2 finalised choices out to the whole room allowed us to decide on the poem.

"Muddle Collective;
An open conversation
To break the stigma"

Although, it is important to keep the other haikus in mind for use in the future.

Friday, 9 March 2018

Off the Page at Colours May Vary

Careers Workshop - Customer and Competitor Research

For this workshop I focused on answering questions in relation to Studio Brief 3 - Community Art by answering the questions referring to the collective I am in so that I can then discuss my responses with my group and use this as support for developing the collective.

Studio Brief 3 - 'Muddle Collective' Competitors

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Studio Brief 3 - 'Muddle Collective' Pitch

Studio Brief 3 - Community Art Community

We have formed a group to focus on mental health. During our crits we have shared ideas on where the collective should be focused and what we should provide to our community.

Here are a few considerations:

 Who are you?
'Muddle' is the decided name on the collective, trying to not focus too closely on the idea of mental health in case the collective's purpose develops in the future. 

What do you do ?

As a collective we are going to focus on making a society for Leeds Arts University that focuses on mental health which is something that hasn't been seen at our institution before although, we believe this is an extremely important service to provide, especially as people are becoming a lot more aware of mental health.
We are also going to provide a zine/hot dog booklet which folds out into a poster that will be full informal information about mental health (giving it a more personal touch) such as self awareness, self care tips and prevention, just to try make people feel comfortable and aware that it's okay to go through a number of emotions.

Who is your community?
Our community that we are providing will be mostly university students who will be able to take part in events that the society runs. Non university students will also be able to participate in the events for a small charge (something I noticed when looking at competitors - something I will develop on further later).
The zine will be available to purchase for other institutions, including high school and college level meaning the content needs to be suitable for ages from 11-25).

What do they need ?
The community needs a service that will help people become more aware of mental health and how to take care of yourself. Through a brief bit of research this doesn't seem to be provided at universities in the Leeds area, even though its an important subject to cover. 
The zine will allow the us to raise awareness and try break the stigma around mental health which could be a product that is purchased by other institutions.